athlete's foot: September 2004

athlete's foot

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Soccer Brawl

i really hope we dont ever play Analy High School again. it was a crazy couple games. the JV team played and mike dazo got injured not even half way through the game, so i took his position as sweeper and after that they didnt score, but prior to that they scored two goals and beat us 2-0. so overall the JV team played a pretty good second half defensively. i burned a few guys that thought they could get a breakaway on me, so i did my job and had a pretty good game. thats not the crazy part tho. the varsity game was very eventful. the first half they were gettin beat really bad. something like 4-1. and what happened in the second half was crazy. the fans from the other team were cussin at our players and tryin to start fights from the stands makin our players mad, and causin them to get yellowcarded left and right. some of the troublemaker fans had to be escorted home by the police, and one was taken in the squad car. to make matters worse, kevin screwed up his leg, and once he got bak to the bench, he started hyperventilating and cramping up really bad to where he was havin a sort of seizure. so the cops came, called the ambulance, and the fire department came, and they checked him out and finally let him go after makin sure he was ok. so that delayed us really bad, and we didnt get home till like 15 minutes after vandens football game was over cuz the school was heka far away. so the 9 hour trip turned in to the crazy trip from hell. i really hope that never happens again, but anyway, i guess ill post after mondays game which will be our first season game. later

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

2 races

ok first actual meet was on was pretty cool.i ran with the freshman so i placed pretty well.16 out of like....something, over like, 50 or more i think.and it was a two mile race.but it was CRAZY!there were two hills.both of them were like 100 yards each.and at a freakin 80 degree slant.freakin A, i just decided to use that cuz everyone's been saying that lately.anyway, so my time was like 14:13...and that's really good for hills.

so today was the CVC meet in sacramento against like 5 other's race was HARD.first of all, martinez put me on the freakin varsity race.freakin crazy....that means i had to run against seniors and juniors.but i did least i think so.i got 15 out of 37 and my time was 21:53....i think i did very well.i mean, i beat like over 20 seniors and juniors.that's awesome!but the actual course was like freakin dusty and like dead grass and stuff.but i still did good...that's all that matters.keep running.holla


Monday, September 13, 2004

For the love of the game

yea thats the reason i play soccer. and its a good thing too, cuz i doubt we're goin anywhere as far as winning lots of games this year. haha i dont care tho, somehow ive gotten stuck on teams that lose my whole life, so its nothing new. today was a good practice tho, cuz all of us got eachother psyched up and we did work hard, and instead of work, it became fun. but anyway, the last game was vallejo, or should i say the last game we were suppose to play was vallejo. and wouldnt u kno we get to that field which is like the sweetest thing youve ever seen, and gay vallejo high doesnt have a JV team. so theres this perfectly good artificial grass field, once in a lifetime and we dont get to play. the varsity played and got beat which is crazy cuz their team sucked, i bet we coulda beat vallejo easy if they would have had a team. well its lookin like the next game will be on monday and i have no clue where, but its not a home game. the next home game is on the 27th, so if u got nothin better to do, its a nice place to hang out. especially if u dont like football games, its a lot less low key haha. but i doubt theres anyone that doesnt like football games. well umm i guess the next post will probly be after the game on monday, so ill talk to you then.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


well, since SOMEONE *cough cough* wont post...and it IS his turn.oh well.what a gay hole.i'm sure he'll have somethin to post about after that vallejo game today.anyway, today was you can tell from the was like 100 degrees outside.and martinez makes us run 4 miles.that's horrible.i didnt run 4 miles, i'll tell you that.i think in all i ran about 2 1/2 maybe 3.the rest was walked.i couldnt face was stomach hurt (the stomach thing had been goin on all day).so yeah.NOT a good run.not at all.hmmmm....hope i do well at the meet on saturday....that is IF we have a meet.becuz if the school doesnt give him 125 bucks to pay for us to go in the meet, we cant go.and our school is gay with you never know how that'll to yall later.....DO NOT run in extreme heat.


Wednesday, September 01, 2004


aww, was least the cross country practice was.k, i'll go into the details.first we stretched (of course).then the coach brought us onto the track. he told us we were gonna run, i thought it would be was like 12 laps around the track in all.lemme explain.we ran 2 laps for warm-up, then we ran 8 laps, but incorporated bleachers into, we'd run out the fence at about 150 meters into each lap.and run onto the bleachers and run up and down and up and down...then ran off the bleachers and ran the rest of track....8 times.and then ran another 2 lap cool down.really fun stuff man.i love a good it's like, gettin us ready for the lagoon valley race next saturday.that's gonna suck man.there's two hills in the course and they're like freakin at a 90 degree angle.well, i'll get through it, just like last year.

oh yeah, and i've been workin out at the gym on saturdays and sundays.that's always fun.i need a better upper body man.i'm like nothin but skin and bones up really...but not that much i go with my stepdad and he makes sure i do all the workouts right or, yeah....that's to yall later....and keep runnin.
